4 Working with big data in R

4.1 Read in CSV files

4.1.1 Read one large CSV file Read a CSV file with header

##It will take around 3 mins to read in 5,732,838 records with 105 variables
tran2<-fread("tranall2011_19.csv") Read a CSV file without header

tran2<-fread("tranall2011_19.csv",header=F) Read a CSV file with the second row as header and dropping the first row

epcdata1<-fread("D_EPC_data_2012_Q4_extract_0221.csv", skip = 1)
epcdata14<-read.csv("D_EPC_data_2020_Q4_extract_0221.csv", skip = 1)

4.1.2 Fast reading multiple EPC csv files together in R Code for reading in EPCs in England and Wales

## assume all the unzipped EPC stored in EPC folder in D drive

x1 <- list.files(path = ".", pattern = NULL, all.files = FALSE,
                 full.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE)

datalist <- paste("D:/EPC",x1,"certificates.csv",sep="/")

epcdata = data.table::rbindlist(lapply(datalist, data.table::fread, showProgress = FALSE)) Code for reading in EPCs in Scotland

datalist = list.files(pattern="*.csv")

epcdata = data.table::rbindlist(lapply(datalist, data.table::fread, skip=1,showProgress = FALSE))

4.2 Basic larger dataset munging/wrangling

4.2.1 Select columns

## [1] "data.table" "data.frame"


##                             transactionid postcode  price dateoftransfer propertytype      laua     lad11nm tfarea priceper
## 1: {5F2B8B60-B9D0-4F00-8561-8BBF0C991BE1} KT22 7LN 187250     2014-07-11            F E07000210 Mole Valley     46 4070.652
## 2: {5F54B81D-B8BA-2B45-E053-6B04A8C01FB0}  RH4 3QR 394000     2017-10-23            T E07000210 Mole Valley     77 5116.883
## 3: {F5CB911D-B4EF-4F74-A696-1131D46A1019} KT21 2LJ 447000     2013-10-24            S E07000210 Mole Valley    139 3215.827
## 4: {47844C80-5285-8986-E050-A8C063056488} KT22 7TQ 700700     2017-01-23            D E07000210 Mole Valley    148 4734.459
## 5: {666758D7-4CCD-3363-E053-6B04A8C0D74E} KT21 2DJ 350000     2018-01-03            F E07000210 Mole Valley     63 5555.556
## 6: {288DCE29-B9CB-E510-E050-A8C06205480E} KT22 7DX 135000     2015-10-20            F E07000210 Mole Valley     44 3068.182
## 1: rental (private)
## 2:    marketed sale
## 3:    marketed sale
## 4:    marketed sale
## 5:    marketed sale
## 6:    marketed sale

4.2.2 Changing column names to lower case or upper case Changing column names to lower case

setnames(tran2, tolower(names(tran2)))

##                             transactionid postcode  price dateoftransfer propertytype      laua     lad11nm tfarea priceper
## 1: {5F2B8B60-B9D0-4F00-8561-8BBF0C991BE1} KT22 7LN 187250     2014-07-11            F E07000210 Mole Valley     46 4070.652
## 2: {5F54B81D-B8BA-2B45-E053-6B04A8C01FB0}  RH4 3QR 394000     2017-10-23            T E07000210 Mole Valley     77 5116.883
## 3: {F5CB911D-B4EF-4F74-A696-1131D46A1019} KT21 2LJ 447000     2013-10-24            S E07000210 Mole Valley    139 3215.827
## 4: {47844C80-5285-8986-E050-A8C063056488} KT22 7TQ 700700     2017-01-23            D E07000210 Mole Valley    148 4734.459
## 5: {666758D7-4CCD-3363-E053-6B04A8C0D74E} KT21 2DJ 350000     2018-01-03            F E07000210 Mole Valley     63 5555.556
## 6: {288DCE29-B9CB-E510-E050-A8C06205480E} KT22 7DX 135000     2015-10-20            F E07000210 Mole Valley     44 3068.182
##    transaction_type
## 1: rental (private)
## 2:    marketed sale
## 3:    marketed sale
## 4:    marketed sale
## 5:    marketed sale
## 6:    marketed sale Changing column names to upper case

setnames(tran2, toupper(names(tran2)))

4.2.3 Filter rows based on conditions

tran2[laua=="E09000007", ]
##                                 transactionid postcode   price dateoftransfer propertytype      laua lad11nm tfarea  priceper
##     1: {CF95606A-595A-48F5-92CB-708D24CAFC58}  NW3 7NL 1956000     2014-10-07            T E09000007  Camden 175.00 11177.143
##     2: {4EA5C667-79EF-4FF4-839D-5344F6F46842}  NW2 2BT 3599000     2012-11-05            D E09000007  Camden 402.00  8952.736
##     3: {7EE393AB-3710-4D5D-AE60-7260ADFDEE54}  NW3 7NL 1310000     2011-05-17            T E09000007  Camden 193.00  6787.565
##     4: {7E86B6FB-16FC-458C-E053-6B04A8C0C84C}  NW3 7NL 2100000     2018-11-16            T E09000007  Camden 193.00 10880.829
##     5: {E33626A9-DCD2-4D65-AF98-33D8BC99D1FD}  NW3 5PT  685000     2011-04-20            F E09000007  Camden  80.46  8513.547
##    ---                                                                                                                       
## 13775: {13521672-6024-48B3-BACE-B2CCD6280078}  NW8 7ED 5610000     2015-07-17            F E09000007  Camden 240.00 23375.000
## 13776: {ED4810A9-BC16-49FF-9C6B-844F5E569704}  NW8 7ED 6700000     2015-07-01            F E09000007  Camden 287.00 23344.948
## 13777: {EEDA2760-FB8A-4D56-96B2-A0934B38D6BB}  NW8 7ED 9494000     2015-07-01            F E09000007  Camden 313.00 30332.268
## 13778: {773788C2-F00D-2CE4-E053-6C04A8C05E57}  NW8 7ED 4000000     2018-09-07            F E09000007  Camden 145.00 27586.207
## 13779: {25EA59F9-FEAC-4D50-E050-A8C0630562D0}  NW8 7ED 3725000     2015-09-30            F E09000007  Camden 145.00 25689.655
##        transaction_type
##     1:    marketed sale
##     2: rental (private)
##     3:    marketed sale
##     4:    marketed sale
##     5:    marketed sale
##    ---                 
## 13775:    marketed sale
## 13776:    marketed sale
## 13777:    marketed sale
## 13778:    marketed sale
## 13779:    marketed sale
Camden<-tran2[laua=="E09000007", ]
##                             transactionid postcode   price dateoftransfer propertytype      laua lad11nm tfarea  priceper
## 1: {CF95606A-595A-48F5-92CB-708D24CAFC58}  NW3 7NL 1956000     2014-10-07            T E09000007  Camden 175.00 11177.143
## 2: {4EA5C667-79EF-4FF4-839D-5344F6F46842}  NW2 2BT 3599000     2012-11-05            D E09000007  Camden 402.00  8952.736
## 3: {7EE393AB-3710-4D5D-AE60-7260ADFDEE54}  NW3 7NL 1310000     2011-05-17            T E09000007  Camden 193.00  6787.565
## 4: {7E86B6FB-16FC-458C-E053-6B04A8C0C84C}  NW3 7NL 2100000     2018-11-16            T E09000007  Camden 193.00 10880.829
## 5: {E33626A9-DCD2-4D65-AF98-33D8BC99D1FD}  NW3 5PT  685000     2011-04-20            F E09000007  Camden  80.46  8513.547
## 6: {AFE46158-BA70-4FAF-999D-70D94F0322F9} WC1H 0LP  255000     2012-11-23            F E09000007  Camden  26.00  9807.692
##    transaction_type
## 1:    marketed sale
## 2: rental (private)
## 3:    marketed sale
## 4:    marketed sale
## 5:    marketed sale
## 6:    marketed sale

4.2.4 Add in the ID column

Camden[,tranid := .I]
##                             transactionid postcode   price dateoftransfer propertytype      laua lad11nm tfarea  priceper
## 1: {CF95606A-595A-48F5-92CB-708D24CAFC58}  NW3 7NL 1956000     2014-10-07            T E09000007  Camden 175.00 11177.143
## 2: {4EA5C667-79EF-4FF4-839D-5344F6F46842}  NW2 2BT 3599000     2012-11-05            D E09000007  Camden 402.00  8952.736
## 3: {7EE393AB-3710-4D5D-AE60-7260ADFDEE54}  NW3 7NL 1310000     2011-05-17            T E09000007  Camden 193.00  6787.565
## 4: {7E86B6FB-16FC-458C-E053-6B04A8C0C84C}  NW3 7NL 2100000     2018-11-16            T E09000007  Camden 193.00 10880.829
## 5: {E33626A9-DCD2-4D65-AF98-33D8BC99D1FD}  NW3 5PT  685000     2011-04-20            F E09000007  Camden  80.46  8513.547
## 6: {AFE46158-BA70-4FAF-999D-70D94F0322F9} WC1H 0LP  255000     2012-11-23            F E09000007  Camden  26.00  9807.692
##    transaction_type tranid
## 1:    marketed sale      1
## 2: rental (private)      2
## 3:    marketed sale      3
## 4:    marketed sale      4
## 5:    marketed sale      5
## 6:    marketed sale      6
#Camden[, tranid := .I+1000000]

4.2.5 Convert datatable values to uppercase

Camden[,  `:=`(tran_type = toupper(transaction_type))]
##                             transactionid postcode   price dateoftransfer propertytype      laua lad11nm tfarea  priceper
## 1: {CF95606A-595A-48F5-92CB-708D24CAFC58}  NW3 7NL 1956000     2014-10-07            T E09000007  Camden 175.00 11177.143
## 2: {4EA5C667-79EF-4FF4-839D-5344F6F46842}  NW2 2BT 3599000     2012-11-05            D E09000007  Camden 402.00  8952.736
## 3: {7EE393AB-3710-4D5D-AE60-7260ADFDEE54}  NW3 7NL 1310000     2011-05-17            T E09000007  Camden 193.00  6787.565
## 4: {7E86B6FB-16FC-458C-E053-6B04A8C0C84C}  NW3 7NL 2100000     2018-11-16            T E09000007  Camden 193.00 10880.829
## 5: {E33626A9-DCD2-4D65-AF98-33D8BC99D1FD}  NW3 5PT  685000     2011-04-20            F E09000007  Camden  80.46  8513.547
## 6: {AFE46158-BA70-4FAF-999D-70D94F0322F9} WC1H 0LP  255000     2012-11-23            F E09000007  Camden  26.00  9807.692
##    transaction_type tranid        tran_type
## 1:    marketed sale      1    MARKETED SALE
## 2: rental (private)      2 RENTAL (PRIVATE)
## 3:    marketed sale      3    MARKETED SALE
## 4:    marketed sale      4    MARKETED SALE
## 5:    marketed sale      5    MARKETED SALE
## 6:    marketed sale      6    MARKETED SALE

4.2.6 Delete a column


##                             transactionid postcode   price dateoftransfer propertytype      laua lad11nm tfarea  priceper
## 1: {CF95606A-595A-48F5-92CB-708D24CAFC58}  NW3 7NL 1956000     2014-10-07            T E09000007  Camden 175.00 11177.143
## 2: {4EA5C667-79EF-4FF4-839D-5344F6F46842}  NW2 2BT 3599000     2012-11-05            D E09000007  Camden 402.00  8952.736
## 3: {7EE393AB-3710-4D5D-AE60-7260ADFDEE54}  NW3 7NL 1310000     2011-05-17            T E09000007  Camden 193.00  6787.565
## 4: {7E86B6FB-16FC-458C-E053-6B04A8C0C84C}  NW3 7NL 2100000     2018-11-16            T E09000007  Camden 193.00 10880.829
## 5: {E33626A9-DCD2-4D65-AF98-33D8BC99D1FD}  NW3 5PT  685000     2011-04-20            F E09000007  Camden  80.46  8513.547
## 6: {AFE46158-BA70-4FAF-999D-70D94F0322F9} WC1H 0LP  255000     2012-11-23            F E09000007  Camden  26.00  9807.692
##    tranid        tran_type
## 1:      1    MARKETED SALE
## 2:      2 RENTAL (PRIVATE)
## 3:      3    MARKETED SALE
## 4:      4    MARKETED SALE
## 5:      5    MARKETED SALE
## 6:      6    MARKETED SALE

4.2.7 Remove Duplicates

## [1] 13779    11
##                                 transactionid postcode   price dateoftransfer propertytype      laua lad11nm tfarea  priceper
##     1: {CF95606A-595A-48F5-92CB-708D24CAFC58}  NW3 7NL 1956000     2014-10-07            T E09000007  Camden 175.00 11177.143
##     2: {4EA5C667-79EF-4FF4-839D-5344F6F46842}  NW2 2BT 3599000     2012-11-05            D E09000007  Camden 402.00  8952.736
##     3: {7EE393AB-3710-4D5D-AE60-7260ADFDEE54}  NW3 7NL 1310000     2011-05-17            T E09000007  Camden 193.00  6787.565
##     4: {7E86B6FB-16FC-458C-E053-6B04A8C0C84C}  NW3 7NL 2100000     2018-11-16            T E09000007  Camden 193.00 10880.829
##     5: {E33626A9-DCD2-4D65-AF98-33D8BC99D1FD}  NW3 5PT  685000     2011-04-20            F E09000007  Camden  80.46  8513.547
##    ---                                                                                                                       
## 13775: {13521672-6024-48B3-BACE-B2CCD6280078}  NW8 7ED 5610000     2015-07-17            F E09000007  Camden 240.00 23375.000
## 13776: {ED4810A9-BC16-49FF-9C6B-844F5E569704}  NW8 7ED 6700000     2015-07-01            F E09000007  Camden 287.00 23344.948
## 13777: {EEDA2760-FB8A-4D56-96B2-A0934B38D6BB}  NW8 7ED 9494000     2015-07-01            F E09000007  Camden 313.00 30332.268
## 13778: {773788C2-F00D-2CE4-E053-6C04A8C05E57}  NW8 7ED 4000000     2018-09-07            F E09000007  Camden 145.00 27586.207
## 13779: {25EA59F9-FEAC-4D50-E050-A8C0630562D0}  NW8 7ED 3725000     2015-09-30            F E09000007  Camden 145.00 25689.655
##        tranid        tran_type
##     1:      1    MARKETED SALE
##     2:      2 RENTAL (PRIVATE)
##     3:      3    MARKETED SALE
##     4:      4    MARKETED SALE
##     5:      5    MARKETED SALE
##    ---                        
## 13775:  13775    MARKETED SALE
## 13776:  13776    MARKETED SALE
## 13777:  13777    MARKETED SALE
## 13778:  13778    MARKETED SALE
## 13779:  13779    MARKETED SALE
## [1] 13779    11

4.2.8 Write files


4.2.9 Bind datasets

# Bind by names
## [1] "data.table" "data.frame"
## [1] "data.frame"
# Convert data.frame to data.table

# Select columns


# Bind by names
l = list(epcdata1,epcdata14)
epc<- rbindlist(l, use.names=TRUE)

# Remove Duplicates
## [1] 61640    15
##     1:                1001856748            118173704                               21 CERES PLACE    MOTHERWELL  ML1 3WE
##     2:                1234570127            119007574            FLAT 1-1        1 Castle Mansions       GOUROCK PA19 1PE
##     3:                1234570183            126006147                     21 NORTH MIDDLETON DRIVE         LARGS KA30 9JW
##     4:                1001220426            136024183                       43 SKAITHMUIR CRESCENT       FALKIRK  FK2 8BP
##     5:                1234570199         200000000000                             17 Lambie Street      Bathgate EH47 0HH
##    ---                                                                                                                   
## 61636:                1001582626           9051120275 FLAT 1 ALBURY VIEW            FONTHILL ROAD      ABERDEEN  AB11 6TE
## 61637:                1001029287           9051116958            FLAT 4           35 CHESTNUT ROW      ABERDEEN  AB25 3SE
## 61638:                1000902315           9051116437            FLAT 4        63 ROSEMOUNT PLACE      ABERDEEN  AB25 2XL
## 61639:                1002090505            130142732             CORRAN                SHIELDAIG  STRATHCARRON  IV54 8XN
## 61640:                1000232247         906700000000           FLAT 3/2        980 ARGYLE STREET       GLASGOW    G3 8LU
##     1:      28/09/2012     01/10/2012          Flat RdSAP, existing dwelling     marketed sale               72
##     2:      28/09/2012     01/10/2012      Bungalow RdSAP, existing dwelling     marketed sale               61
##     3:      28/09/2012     01/10/2012         House RdSAP, existing dwelling     marketed sale              110
##     4:      19/09/2012     01/10/2012         House RdSAP, existing dwelling            rental               98
##     5:      28/09/2012     01/10/2012         House RdSAP, existing dwelling            rental               78
##    ---                                                                                                         
## 61636:      30/12/2020     31/12/2020          Flat RdSAP, existing dwelling            rental               58
## 61637:      30/12/2020     31/12/2020          Flat RdSAP, existing dwelling            rental               37
## 61638:      30/12/2020     31/12/2020          Flat RdSAP, existing dwelling            rental               43
## 61639:      30/12/2020     31/12/2020         House RdSAP, existing dwelling none of the above              156
## 61640:      24/12/2020     31/12/2020          Flat RdSAP, existing dwelling            rental               62
##     1:                      3                        77                          79
##     2:                      3                        64                          90
##     3:                      5                        60                          80
##     4:                      5                        70                          84
##     5:                      3                        50                          82
##    ---                                                                             
## 61636:                      4                        73                          77
## 61637:                      2                        72                          77
## 61638:                      2                        59                          75
## 61639:                      7                        27                          83
## 61640:                      3                        56                          78
## [1] 61640    15

4.3 Work with PostGIS database in R

4.3.1 Write files to PostGIS

# Loads the PostgreSQL driver
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
# Creates a connection to the casa postGIS databas
con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = "casa",port=5432, user="postgres",password=******)

# Write Camden to the database
dbWriteTable(con, "Camden",value=Camden, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

# Delete some objects from workspace

4.3.2 Read files from PostGIS

drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = "casa",port=5432, user="postgres",password=******)

# load the data from PostGIS database
tran<- dbGetQuery(con,"select * from Camden") 

4.4 Measure code performance

4.4.1 Measure running time of the code

## [1] "data.table" "data.frame"
# Delete the epc object
# Bind by names
start_time <- Sys.time()
end_time <- Sys.time()

end_time - start_time
## Time difference of 0.007995844 secs
# Convert data.table to data.frame

# Combine two data frames by rows
start_time <- Sys.time()
end_time <- Sys.time()
end_time - start_time
## Time difference of 0.01399207 secs
# Convert data.frame to data.table

# Combine two data tables by position
start_time <- Sys.time()
end_time <- Sys.time()

end_time - start_time
## Time difference of 0.008995056 secs

4.4.2 profvis- an interactive profile visualizations

uniqueresult <- function(x){
  dt <- as.data.table(x)
  idd1 <- esummary[esummary$count==1,]
  result1 <- x[x$epcdataid %in% idd1$epcdataid,]
function1<- function(x,y){
  x$bnstreet <- paste(x$buildingnumber,x$streetdescription,sep=", ")
  x$bnstreet <- gsub(" ", "", x$bnstreet)
  x$addressf <- paste(x$postcodelocator,x$bnstreet,sep=", ")
  y$addressfinal <- trimws(y$add)
  y$addressfinal <- gsub(" ", "", y$addressfinal)
  y$addressf <- paste(y$postcode,y$addressfinal,sep=", ")
  taba1 <- inner_join(x,y,by="addressf")


link1u<- uniqueresult(link1)


4.5 Execute R code in Alteryx

  • Step 1: build a workflow in Alteryx
  • Step 2: create R code in the Alteryx
  • Step 3: Click the use AMP engine and run the workflow
  • Step 4: Finish

Notes: If you have any questions about Alteryx, Steven Zhang at Billigence would like to help.